Sunday, June 19, 2005

Chimpie: Addicted to Lies

Bush is out on the road now, trying to do for his criminal Iraq war what he imagined he could do for Social Security destruction, and probably with the same result. That is, he is going to lie his ass off even as it contradicts his own words. This is what he said in his radio address this weekend:
"We went to war because we were attacked, and we are at war today because there are still people out there who want to harm our country and hurt our citizens," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address.
Now you'll note that Karl Rove has Chimpie do a smart thing here. He doesn't say "Iraq" even though that's exactly what he means, because if he's challenged by the kneepad press (unlikely) he can say, "What I meant was we went to war in Afghanistan because we were attacked." But of course what the presidential monkey's handlers want is that the Americans who haven't yet found out that there was no connection between 9/11 and Iraq will once again go to the mat on that mistaken and, frankly, boneheaded belief. But that's how the Bushits got into power--by playing to the dumbest fucks in the country. If any of you dumbfucks are reading this (doubtful, since most are illiterates, apparently) please read the following words from George W. Bush himself, and then burn them into your fucking forearm so you won't forget. This is from Septermber 18, 2003, okay? Got it? Pay attention. Now move your lips along if you have to.
President Bush said there has been no evidence that Iraq's Saddam Hussein was involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, disavowing a link that had been hinted at previously by his administration.

"No, we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September the 11th," the president said yesterday after a meeting at the White House with lawmakers.
In the following paragraph from the same Washington Post article, we are reminded of the fact that this conflation of 9/11 and Iraq is an old tactic.
In stating that position, Bush clarified an issue that has long been left vague by his administration. On Sunday, Vice President Cheney said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that success in Iraq means "we will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11."

A Washington Post poll last month found that 69 percent of Americans thought it at least likely that Hussein had a role in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Polling experts said Americans held that view mostly because of an instinctive suspicion of Hussein, but Democrats and some public opinion experts said Bush and his aides exploited that impression by implying a link.
Yes, at one point 69 percent of the American public swallowed that fucking lie, and now how many additional unnecessary deaths have there been because of it? How many impeachments? How many of these criminal motherfuckers under war crimes tribunal in the Hague? And is Bush backing off one bit, admitting a mistake, shifting policy? No, he's trotting out the same line of argument and hoping that his blowjob friends in the mainstream media will once again repeat the words without question, analysis, or really any rational and responsible journalistic investigation at all.

Fools, fools, and fools. It makes me want to puke. Because in this report, we just get the White House lies, with no goddamn refutation of the facts that Bush once again hopes he can obscure by just lying and lying and lying.

These people have no honor, no shame, no scruples and no crime is too large for them to commit to hold onto power. History will record this as a dark age in American history, when evil men held sway over a gullible people to commit one of the great crimes of modern history, all in the name of power and oil and a tiny elite of cronies who should spend eternity twisting on a spit over Satan's barbecue.

Yet still I have hope that ultimately justice will be done and these bastards will be known for the scum that they are for all time and generations to come.

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