Monday, April 11, 2005

The Next Distraction

The shit is coming down hard on the heads of Republicans: DeLay's demise, the fallout from the Schiavo circus, the stagnating economy, the runup in gas prices, and much more. Unable to expect the mainstream media to continue too many more deathwatches now that the Pope has been put in his vault, the administration is going to have to whip up a new hysteria. Ready?

The threat of Iran.

My prediction: in the next six weeks we will be subjected to a steady drumbeat building up incrementally about the great threat Iran possesses in its nuclear capability, its strategic power in choking off oil transport from the Persian Gulf, and its links to terrorist organizations. None of these allegations, of course, will be any better than those used against Iraq, and so the warnings will have to be made even more shrill than before. Instead of "mushroom cloud" from the likes of Condi Rice and Bush, expect the rhetoric to focus on "a million dead and a city unihabitable" because of some imagined attack by Iranian-supported terrorists.

Remember, according to Seymour Hersh and Scott Ritter, the Bushits have their sights set on Iran in June, and there is no time to waste if they want to create the necessary network of lies to cover themselves. Fool me one, shame on me. Fool me twice...

Bush couldn't remember how that went, but let's hope that the Americans who bought the last bullshit round on Iraq will not be fooled again.

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