Friday, March 18, 2005

Wolfowitz: King of the Incompetents?

And that's saying something, given the failures of Rice, Rumsfeld, and the Bushits in general. A couple of people have told me I'm overstating things to harp on the incompetence of Paul Wolfowitz, but this article in Salon today makes the case better than I ever could imagine. You'll have to watch an ad to get free access if you're not a member, but it's painless and worth it. For those who think I'm hard on Woofie, Michael Lind has this to say:
Even the greatest statesman makes some mistakes. But Wolfowitz is perfectly incompetent. He is the Mozart of ineptitude, the Einstein of incapacity. To be sure, he has his virtues, the foremost of which is consistency. He has been consistently wrong about foreign policy for 30 years.
Got that? He's a perfect incompetent.

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