Friday, March 18, 2005

The First Amendment Lives!

This is heartening. Regarding a protestor arrested for leaving a designated protest area:
While [U.S. District Judge Larry J.] McKinney said police security concerns were legitimate, especially less than six months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, police did not offer any substantial reason why protesters had to be "corraled" 500 feet away.
At least one judge understands that "free speech zones" are an insult to the First Amendment and to our founders. Leaders are obligated to face dissenters, or at least see and hear them. Let's hope that this is the first prick in the bubble surrounding the Potemkin village-type events that have cut the Bushits off from the real world. Even 9/11 is no excuse for eviscerating the U.S. Constitution.

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