Sometimes my wife knits an entire sweater that she then decides she doesn't like, and then she'll ask me to unravel it for her, which is something I find fascinating to do. Considering all the hours she can spend carefully knitting and purling and counting and measuring, and admiring the exquisite work she puts into these constructions, it amazes me how the whole garment disappears back into a simple straight skein of yarn in just a few minutes.
Yesterday, Bob Novak, or "Douchebag of Liberty" as Jon Stewart of The Daily Show likes to call him, declared "This is bullshit. I hate that,"
before walking off the set at CNN. This was on live TV. Although it might have seemed that Novak was just peeved at fellow commentator James Carville's jabs at him wanting to appear tough for his right-wing masters, the host of the show, Ed Henry noted that he didn't get a chance to ask him about the Rove/Plame affair, and in that light perhaps what we witnessed was the first yank of yarn starting to unravel the vast fabric of lies that the Chimpie administration has constructed in order to pursue its selfish, malevolent, and seriously dangerous programs of war and greed.
One can only speculate as to Novak's real reasons for running away at CNN, but I'll still take the liberty, in honor of this Douchebag of same to consider that Novak may have reached his breaking point.
You see, the Chimpie criminal gang are now down in
Crawford for the month and while no one suspects that monkey-boy will be doing any serious work for the nation, he is sweating bullets and staying up as late as 10:15pm trying to figure a way out of the mess that is going to drop on his head when Patrick Fitzgerald starts handing out indictments. Novak runs off the set, Chimpie runs to the ranch, Cheney is underground, and Karl Rove who one month ago set about claiming that liberals wanted to give massages to terrorist, has suddenly clammed up. And watching Bush on TV yesterday trying to put two words together for reporters ("We're workin' hard."--what a fucking orator that guy is) I couldn't help but sense that this was a man scared shitless for once, realizing that he had fucked up on such a monumental scale that neither his daddy, James Baker, or any of the other family goombas were going to either bail him out or take the heat for him.
The first loop comes undone, and then the next, and soon a sleeve is gone, and what once warmed an arm is now just a simple coil of yarn, as simple to see as a monstrous lie about weapons of mass destruction and anthrax and aluminum tubes.
Chimpie is indeed going to surpass the old man: he's going to actually become the most loathed and criminally liable president in the history of our republic, and his cronies are going to be getting a lot of love, federal-prison style, at the greybar hotels of Uncle Sam. And it's getting to him.
Just like it's gotten to Novak. And I think that Carville knows enough, being married to Cheney aide Mary Matalin, that there is some evil and indictable shit there in Fitzgerald's files that is going to throw this nation into a frenzy, and names like Novak, Rove, Libby, Cheney, Feith, Gonzalez, Fleischer, and McClellan are going to be infamously immortalized in American history as the gang that made Watergate a bush league caper compared to the international criminality of their own enterprise. That's why Carville was ribbing Novak--he knows that another tap just might push him over the edge, and it did. And George W. Bush, who is also teetering over an abyss of ignominity, will become a most villainous dope before assuming a historical posture as the comic idiot who tried to swindle a nation by diving head first into his own delusions of greatness rather than seeking medical help for the serious mental illness he has suffered from all his life.
Once that garment of treachery is unraveled, it will be easy to trace the single thread of lies and deception and secrecy from the election of 2000 until the day that Chimpie is removed from office, although the stench from his presidency will linger for decades. The garment of criminality will all be of a single piece, one long litany of contempt for the U.S. Constitution, human decency, and the tolerance of a decent if rather willfully ignorant people. Those who will cling to Chimpie until the bitter end are as sick as he is, and in a way it's sad, because they will still be claiming to see him wearing that sweater of lies, just like the emperor's new clothes, when all the rest of us know that it's simply a skein of yarn now piled at our feet.