Friday, May 23, 2008

Eyes Open

Sabine and Olaf on Laughing and Vigilance

One panel per day...

Just a brief interruption here. Now that the strip is launched, I'll be putting up one panel per day, both to make catching up a little easier as well as to create (I hope) a more regular interest, if there is any. If that rate turns out to drive you nuts, I might go back to lengthier posts. But I've just completed the next eleven pages, and it's starting to go my head, at least.

If you make this blog your home page (hint), then you'll get the latest panel every day and start your day with excitement, romance, fright, apprehension, disdain, jealousy, and on and on. Why bother with real news when you can start the day with Olaf Rotkohl?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Coming Soon!

We will be introduced to the Gasmasked Man (apologies to the Lone Ranger).