Friday, October 21, 2005

Rove: Dead Man Walking

In the Washington Post today is a fascinating piece about life around the White House these days, and it is entirely consistent with what I've encountered in other similarly run organizations in which too much power is concentrated in too few hands. When those few are driven by a blend of ideological fanaticism and absolute lust for power, then when things go badly, there can only be denial left before the final collapse.
Some GOP officials outside the White House say they believe the president rejects the idea that there is anything fundamentally wrong with his presidency;
That's typical of the dry drunk, or of the religious fanatic suddenly confronted with absolute and irrefutable contradiction of his own undeniable truth. And with denial, there is silence.
At the White House and among its close allies, discussion about Rove's fate is verboten -- in part out of fear and in part out of ignorance about what his legal vulnerability actually is. No one in the White House wants to talk about an indictment. As another former official said, "No one wants to believe anything's going to happen." Nor do people easily discuss other staff changes. "Anyone who talks about that kind of stuff should be shot," said a third Republican with close ties to the White House.
Who, do you think, is forbidding this discussion, or is it simply understood because of the atmosphere of this White House? In Chimpie's world, there can be no bad news, nothing that cannot be lied out of, or spun, or just ignored, as he did yesterday in calling the Plamegate affair "background noise...chatter."

But that noise is the sound of the presidency crumbling, just like the World Trade Center towers collapsing suddenly within their own space, which is apt, since these motherfuckers so cynically and malevolently exploited that tragedy to consolidate their power and send this country into a pointless war for the profits of their criminal enterprise. When the steel structures of Rove and Libby melt under indictments, the glass houses of Chimpie and Cheney are going to implode majestically, leaving a stinking pile that will take years to clean away. But at least the nightmare will have begun to end, and perhaps this country will finally wake up to eradicate the demons of its 5-year sleep.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Two Words: Criminal Enterprise

That's all I've got to say at the moment. Chimpie, Cheney, Rover, Scooter, Judy, Colin, Wolfie, Condie, et. al. conspired to sell a war to benefit war profiteers. They are criminals or criminal conspirators, because they knew the truth and sold the lie.

I hope they all hang, and then rot in eternal damnation, their legacy one of infamy and disgrace.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Chimpie Knew; Chimpie Again Proven to Be a Lying Sack of Shit

Of course, I'm not surprised by this New York Daily News piece about El Presidente Bushito knowing precisely what Rove was up to, but that he continues to get away with lying as the only way he communicates just blows my mind.
An angry President Bush rebuked chief political guru Karl Rove two years ago for his role in the Valerie Plame affair, sources told the Daily News.
But the President felt Rove and other members of the White House damage-control team did a clumsy job in their campaign to discredit Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, the ex-diplomat who criticized Bush's claim that Saddam Hussen tried to buy weapons-grade uranium in Niger.

A second well-placed source said some recently published reports implying Rove had deceived Bush about his involvement in the Wilson counterattack were incorrect and were leaked by White House aides trying to protect the President.

"Bush did not feel misled so much by Karl and others as believing that they handled it in a ham-handed and bush-league way," the source said.
I keep thinking about that 27 percent core group of fanatical supporters who have drifted into total cognitive dissonance, believing Chimpie to be Jesus Christ, the Pope, and Ronald Reagan rolled into one: savior, infallible, affable nice guy. The truth, as it gets uglier and uglier, reveals Chimpie as a sociopathic criminal halfwit with no actual friends but only sycophants to the Bush evil empire's power structure. This pushes the Chimpie-lovers deeper and deeper into the no-return zone of genuine mental illness, and I am beginning to have some real compassion for them, because mental illness is no joking matter. They need help, and once Chimpie and the gang are finally put in chains and given their well-deserved incarcerations, their acolytes cannot be left out loose like the Manson Family girls. Remember, Squeaky Fromme tried to shoot President Ford. You can't take away someone's god without helping them adjust to their new reality.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I Don't Want to Give the Bushits Any Ideas, But...

You know, when the Red Army finally had the Nazi leadership cornered in Hitler's bunker at the Chancellory, most of the bastards took cyanide and/or blew their brains out.

I'm just writing that because I was watching the History Channel the other night. I don't want anyone to take anything the wrong way.

Turd Blossom Will Finally Get Buried in Own Shit

Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove, so nicknamed because he seems to always bloom from the shit he shovels all around him in smears, accusations, whispering campaigns, and perhaps even outright criminiality, is going to do the perp walk, and he knows it. Here's why--according to the Associated Press:
Rove canceled plans to attend two Republican fund-raisers, the national party confirmed Tuesday. And he did not give his scheduled speech to the conservative Hudson Institute think tank on Oct. 11.
Do you think he'd cancel those gigs if he was innocent of the suspicions arising from Plamegate? Wouldn't those appearances be that much more enjoyable and victorious if he knew he would escape any taint?

It's all over for Rover, and (cross your fingers) Cheney, Libby, and Chimpie and his gang of crooked scum.

Judith Miller: Award-Winning Handmaiden to Fascism?

You have to wonder about a journalist like Judy Miller and what, exactly, makes her tick. And yet, as compelling a study as that might be, it doesn't really matter, because the net effect of kneepad journalism is the enabling of unification of the powerful and the press and that can, in the worst cases, lead to totalitarian control. After reading the Sunday New York Times articles about Judy Miller and by Judy Miller and her role in Plamegate, it terrifies me how an institution like the Times can be completely coopted by a single reporter with the hubris of Judith Miller. She was and is a reporter completely in the thrall of an administration which continually demonstrates that truth is irrelevant and that only perception and image matter, because the acquisition of power is everything. I don't expect political types to care about truth, but I do expect the New York Times, the alleged liberal mouthpiece, to report what it knows to be true.

But it didn't. Its publisher and chief editor allowed Judith Miller to become a handmaiden to the most brazen corruption of the federal government in our time, a corruption which has now led to nearly 2000 American military deaths and tens upon tens of thousands of Iraqi casualties and hundreds of billions of dollars wasted, much of which is now in the pockets of war profiteers. These are lives stolen for no noble cause, money stolen for no good purpose, all of it taken from a future which will be far, far worse for what these criminals have done.

And yet Judy Miller got a First Amendment award from a group of journalists today.

May Edward R. Murrow forgive them all.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Cheney to Libby to Miller to the World

Yes, I do think that indictments are coming, and they'll reach right up to Dickie-boy, who, I predict, will suddenly expire as conveniently as William Casey did when the Iran-Contra shit heated up. For a really excellent analysis, read Mike Whitney's piece at the Smirking Chimp. I think he's got it down cold, and Patrick Fitzgerald is going to start lopping heads off real soon. Heh-heh-heh.