The reason the judiciary has been able to impose a separation of church and state that's nowhere in the Constitution is that Congress didn't stop them. The reason we had judicial review is because Congress didn't stop them. The reason we had a right to privacy is because Congress didn't stop them.Got that? DeLay would like us to have no right to privacy. Okay, Tommy, open your bank accounts, your financial records, release all your home sex videos, and we'd like an interview about your particular sex practices, especially after this exchange yesterday between NYU students and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia courtesy of BlueMeme and the New York Post:
WHEN U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (above) spoke Tuesday night at NYU's Vanderbilt Hall, "The room was packed with some 300 students and there were many protesters outside because of Scalia's vitriolic dissent last year in the case that overturned the Texas law against gay sex," our source reports. "One gay student asked whether government had any business enacting and enforcing laws against consensual sodomy. Following Scalia's answer, the student asked a follow-up: 'Do you sodomize your wife?' The audience was shocked, especially since Mrs. Scalia [Maureen] was in attendance. The justice replied that the question was unworthy of an answer."Now this confuses me, unless Scalia was invoking his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. Has he been buggering the wife? Gotten some oral? Given it? Had livestock in the mix? By both his and DeLay's lights, that behavior between consenting adults is open to legal scrutiny, so come on boys, don't be hypocrites about it. Now if livestock was indeed involved in either DeLay's or Scalia's sexual escapades, without signed consent forms I'm afraid these fellows are headed for the slammer under animal cruelty laws at least.
And perhaps they need a little jail time just for making the rest of us even consider them in sexual congress at all. Sheesh! I tried watching Silence of the Lambs to erase that horror from my mind, but even Hannibal Lecter isn't that scary.