“It is easier to rob by setting up a bank than by holding up a bank clerk.”
It's called an inside job, I believe. And note that the inside men are still inside, even in the new administration. Not satisfied with emptying the treasury and the investments and the pockets of working people, they want to ensure that all future generations are indebted to the maximum so that they can continue to own their seven homes, drink their $700 scotch, and sleep on mattresses stuffed with the downy thigh-hair of a million sacrificial virgins (okay--I made the last one up).
These people hate you and me, and they do more damage with the stroke of a pen than any terrorist could even imagine. Through so many means, and spread over such a wide swath, they are in every sense agents of death and despair to millions upon millions of honest people.
An $8 trillion bailout, and how will it be paid? Ultimately by inflating the hell out of the currency, so that lenders can be paid off with worthless money and collaterally destroying what's left of our savings...and I was about to say "pensions" except that no one really gets those anymore.
There once was a first world, a second world, and a third world. Now there is a fourth world of nations that once belonged to the first world. Then they let the robbers take control.