Apologies to MB, but Darlin' I am off to Berlin again in ten days or so to regenerate some energy and sanity and, of course, drool over a few Citroens and get some hip new duds. Also, I'll be recording sounds of the city on my nifty microdigital recorder and stereo microphone for ultimate use in an entirely new genre of music--Rot n' Kohl. Catch the wave, my friends, for you can say you knew me when.
I have tried writing about the Petraeus hearings and really can't say anything new--it was a big Kabuki dance, with more of the same shit predicted and realized. Chimpie goes on TV tomorrow night to tell us how he's going to follow the General's recommendations, which conveniently frame what was already planned to happen--3000 Marines already scheduled to leave will leave, but Bush will take credit as if he has actually done any fucking thing, and by next summer another 30,000 already scheduled will return, leaving Iraq in chaos still, and still 130,000 Americans in harm's way.
The only comparably cynical comparison is Henry Kissinger's "Decent Interval" which was designed to distance him from the ultimate collapse of South Vietnam that was largely his responsibility. Chimpie will hand his successor this steaming, fiery pile and go off to torture his legacy into something other than the grand clusterfuck of America it has been.