Thursday, September 20, 2007

Well, We're Off...

...and alas, Dorothy must remain behind, dreaming of Berlin. But she has a plan, I know. Ms. D. will no doubt slyly seduce our lovely house sitter into spoiling her rotten with kindness and long walks and endless ear scratching, not to mention fat marrow bones now and then gnawed under a cornflower blue sky in the mountains. What does Dorothy do on her days off, I wonder.

If I can, I'll post (not taking a computer) from any cafe that is equipped and is affordable by dollar-poor American visitors.

Am I excited? Unbelievably. The perfect vacation of total leisure mixed with foreign urban energy, stirred lightly with a soupcon of the unknown and then washed thoroughly with beer brewed under strict purity laws: hops, barley, water, and yeast. Wunderbar!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

National Strike, October 17, 2007

This shit works. If everyone who has to work for a paycheck takes the day off (excepting, of course, those in direct life-support positions), buys nothing, produces nothing, transports nothing, the wheels of industry are going to stutter, and some motherfuckers are going to have to wake up to the will of the people.

It couldn't hurt. Pass it on!