So I'm going to my second home city over there on the Spree River. But first, a few words from our sponsor:
Oh, the irony! This administration, the most right-wing, reactionary, free market, laissez faire, crazy town incompetent nincompoops ever to populate our national stage, has now exercised an essentially Leninist takeover of AIG, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and has totally socialized the massive fuckups by their butt buddies over on Wall Street.
When times are good, "Oh!" they screech, "Get the government out of the markets!" And then, when the entire house of cards is about to collapse in the freefall of value and the crippling of these increasingly unregulated markets from functioning at all, "Oh!" they cry, "We must get the government to save the capitalist system!"
Capitalism with buffers of regulation to prevent greed from outstripping judgment can work. But when you let extremists have their way, the consequences are dire. I don't even know if we've dodged a bullet yet--there's a shitload of stuff that has yet to spin out before anyone can tell if we're headed for the Big D or just a severe shock. But if this doesn't put an end to lobbyists writing legislation while simultaneously owning the executive branch, then you'd better start building that bunker off the grid.
Do Americans have an attention span that can last until the election? If Bernanke and Paulson can dampen the earthquake for six more weeks, will we just vote the fuckers that enabled this diasater right back in again to continue looting the Treasury and destroying the lives of working people?
I'm going to see what the world looks like from another vantage point. If I can get WiFi at the apartment we're renting, I'll drop some lines.
Hang in there.