This is how I feel every time I succumb to cable news shows--murdered by triviality, shallowness, and the assumption that I am stupid enough to waste hours of my life listening to these idiotic broadcasts, which, sadly, I apparently am.
And it's a metaphor for the nation as well: TV is killing us. Is it the chicken or the egg? Do we not demand enough, or have the "news" and its ruthless pimping advertisers just become too overpowering to change?
Anyway, I'm making a pledge as of this moment--no more cable or network news. I'll read from now on, thank you very much, and I won't even listen to NPR either, because its increasing sponsorships from corporate coffers is damned annoying even if not yet suspiciously influential. And it does seem as if they are dumbing down their broadcasts as well by covering stories that are really peripheral compared to the heavy issues that really deserve what limited time and resources are available.
I'm better off reading highly partisan newspapers and magazines on all sides than having information prechewed and vomited at me in bilious yellows of corrupted journalism. I will, however, continue to view "Fast Money" and "Mad Money" on CNBC for the entertainment value, not to mention the positive effect it's having on my wealth accumulation by educating me. I gotta get to Berlin somehow.
Will anyone else like to take the pledge? I could sure use a support group.
The bottom line, however--death to TV "news."