In case you think expressions like "nutwatching" are overstating the case, get a load of this:
"I am in favor of impeachment," Michael Schwartz, chief of staff to Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, said in a panel discussion on abortion, suggesting "mass impeachment" might be needed.Now Tom Coburn, in case you aren't familiar with one of the nuttiest of the nuts, is the senator who thinks doctors who perform abortions should get the death penalty, even though he admits he has performed them in his practice as a physician. He also thinks that silicone breast implants make women healthier. Sorry, folks, he isn't practicing medicine for now.
Yes, these are people who should be making life and death decisions for us. Furthermore, from the NY Times:
Dr. Rick Scarborough, chief organizer of the conference, called on Congress "to protect us from an overactive judiciary," saying: "Right now they are ruling as an oligarchy. They are the kings of the land."And therein lies the crux of the matter for Scarborough, DeLay, Coburn, et al. It isn't that they don't believe in oligarchies, but that they don't like it when they don't get to be the kings of the land. Thankfully, despite people like Coburn and the Cockroach having constituencies that think like them, they remain in the extreme minority, and are rightfully going to be relegated to the dark, fetid shadows of American life where they should have remained.