You may have noticed a dearth of postings these past two weeks. I have no excuse other than a kind of exhaustion of rage against increasingly outrageous behavior of the Chimpie Criminal Empire. Even when the whole world cries "Liar, Thief, Criminal" at Cheney, Chimpie, Rumsfeld, and company, they forge ahead, stripping our nation of respect, protection for the individual, sovereignty of nations, sanctity of life, and compounding their lies with an unimaginable level of hypocrisy. Their minions in the national legislature and in the exectutive continue an unrelenting assault against the environment and the working person, education, expression, sexual freedom, and separation of church and state. And on and on it goes.
I'm tired of ranting and raving and marching and carrying signs. It's not enough, at least for now.
So I'm taking a little break over the holidays. I hope you'll check back in in a week or two when perhaps I'll be refueled with anger and bile. But for now, I'm turning to some self-indulgent reading and musical enjoyment.
Have a great holiday season. May all your dreams come true.