Until the policymakers who put these young men into harm's way are held as equally accountable for plopping them into a civil war in which they cannot possibly tell friend from foe in a kill zone and in which the only logical response is personal survival, then there will be no justice for the innocents killed in the war. Yet this class of criminals are still lionized by the press and asked to concoct new lies about the war.
[Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice was asked whether an additional $100 billion the Pentagon wants for the Iraq and Afghan wars might amount to throwing good money after bad in Iraq. President Bush and Congress have already provided more than $500 billion for the two conflicts and worldwide efforts against terrorism, including more than $350 billion for Iraq.And here are a few of those "markers" that demonstrate how stable Iraq is becoming. And then there are the other "markers," the Iraqis themselves, who seem to become stabilized by becoming dead.
“I don’t think it’s a matter of money,” Rice said. “Along the way there have been plenty of markers that show that this is a country that is worth the investment, because once it emerges as a country that is a stabilizing factor you will have a very different kind of Middle East.”
So these poor damned marines are going to bear the burden for the true sins committed by the Chimpie criminal cabal--you know the names by heart by now--and when the marines are sent to Levenworth or Treasure Island to serve the terms of their scapegoated lives, Rice, Wolfowitz, Libby, et alia, will be writing memoirs about how they were poor, misunderstood, well-intentioned but misled public servants.
I certainly don't wish to deny them their memoirs, just so long as they're writing them from a jail cell in the Hague.