Here he is again, El Presidente Stupido, making us all proud as the spokesman for global capitalism, American-style, at the G20 summit he's hosting:
He made his argument even as the U.S. government has set billions of dollars for taking stakes in banks to help jump start lending again. "I'm a market-oriented guy, but not when I'm faced with the prospect of a global meltdown," he said.Exactly. It's like saying, "I'm a big boy. I'm on my own." And then, when trouble comes, "Mommy! Daddy!"
And Mr. Genius continues,
While acknowledging that critics from across the ideological spectrum are "equating the free enterprise system with greed and exploitation and failure," Bush argued that the crisis was not a failure of the free market system.Shit, man, greed, exploitation, and failure are what the system is based on! Ask any stock trader. Volatility and instability rule, dude! Unless you're a poor working schmuck. But then they're just suckers, right? They don't deserve any of the wealth they've created, or any security, or respect. After all, George W. Loser and McCain got their money the right way: inherit it, or marry it.