Ya gotta luv Larry Craig. Now we hear he is giving the finger to all the Repubs who want him to resign and possibly withdrawing his offer to step down. Talk about keeping a story alive!
I was hoping that someone would attack me about Craig, citing Clinton/Lewinsky claiming harassment by the Minneapolis PD, invasion of privacy, that cops shouldn't be hanging out in airport crappers, or something. Anticipating such remarks, let me ask this:
If your nine-year-old son was taking a dump in a stall adjacent to Senator Craig, would you feel that the police have no place setting up stings in airport restrooms?
One of the things that just cracks me up about Craig is this tidbit from the police interview transcript (LC is Senator Larry Craig, DK is Minneapolis police Sgt. Dave Karsnia :
LC: Did I slide them too close to yours? Did I, I looked down once, your foot was close to mine.
DK Yes.
LC Did we bump? Ah, you said so, I don't recall that, but apparently we were close.
DK Yeah, well your foot did touch mine, on my side of the stall.
LC: All right.
DK: Okay. And then with the hand. Urn, how many times did you put your hand under the stall?
LC: I don't recall. I remember reaching down once. There was a piece of toilet paper back behind me and picking it up.
Here is the smoking gun that Craig is lying--do you honestly believe that anyone, and particularly a United States Senator, would pick up a piece of toilet paper from the floor of a international airport public restroom? Would you do it? A US Senator is someone who gets his ass licked constantly, has an enormous staff to clean up his physical and political messes, and is likely to be considered among the two or three hundred most arrogant people on planet Earth. So Larry was just doing a little tidying up in the shitter?
Yeah, and Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
Hang in there Larry! Leno and Letterman and Stewart need you!