That's right, motherfuckers. Six months after my 600th post, and big, big changes in the life of Olaf, it's time to resume the endless rant. The political and social situation is as grave as ever and who's going to save this country if not me?
After getting through the swine flu, changing my hairstyle, and accidently shaving off my beard, I'm rested and ready to start swinging again, one little man against the capitalist bastards who remain in control. You thought the election of Obama had silenced me? Did you think that everything was hunky-dory? It didn't and it's not. We continue to live in a country that always ensures the exemption of the rich from the prices they must pay for their avarice and stupidity, as well as the bovine timidity of a population of TV-hypnotized zombies who wouldn't know a revolution unless it seized their remote control in the name of Marx and Engels.
You dig?