Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Our Fearless Leader...

...goes back on vacation. Forty-ninth trip to the "ranch" by the chimp who is afraid of horses. Oh, sure, it's a "working" vacation. Given his record of short hours when he's "working" in the White House, I guess that'll mean taking a phone call from Karl Rove confirming the pardon he'll get once the indictments are handed down.

Meanwhile, as the chickshit chickenhawk prez chills in Crawford, fourteen Marines were killed, taking the number of American military deaths in Iraq to over 1800. No WMD. No mushroom cloud. No threat. The weakest nation in the Middle East. Osama bin Laden still loose. The Taliban resurgent in Afghanistan. Chimpie must be so proud.

That's right--he is proud. He's going to break Ronald Reagan's record for vacation days this month. Isn't it interesting how those of the rightwingnuttery orientation are the ones always blabbing about "hard work," like Bush reiterated over and over during his campaign last year?

Chimpie: monument to sloth. What a fucking role model of leadership. I don't suppose he could spare a day or two to attend a military funeral or comfort the families of those who have made the supreme sacrifice for his stupidity. No, that's not Chimpie's style. Never admit an error, never say you're sorry, never change course, even as you destroy your own nation.

Good work, monkey-boy. Maybe it's better you do stay in Crawford and keep your mitts off the controls of state. I don't know how much more of your "hard work" we can stand.

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