Monday, January 26, 2009

On Becoming Godzilla

Would someone please tell the Democratic leadership that they won the last election overwhelmingly? And further, please explain that when the Republicans don't like what they're doing about the economy, or anything else for that matter, their reaction should be precisely that of Godzilla to terrified Japanese.

Crush them. Godzilla does not compromise. He destroys.

Somebody, please, find that locker in Union Station where the Dems put their testicles.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on, this congress is making tremendous strides. They already voted on a $93,000 pay increase for themselves. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


Olaf said...

'fraid so, since they all feed at the same trough of corporate and PAC money. My proposal is to ban donations by anyone or anything except those individuals who actually reside in the districts or states of the elected official. Even better would be publicly funded elections with equal sums going to all candidates, limiting election campaigns to six weeks, and banning 527s.

Now that's election reform and would disempower the corporate juggernaut that controls our politics.

Anonymous said...

Scary, but I could not agree with you more. Cutting off these anonymous pre-paid credit card donations is a must as well. We may never know just how much "funny" money was raised in this past election.

And on another note, for a Harvard educated guy, why the hell is he continuously picking nominees who can't manage to pay their own fucking taxes???

Hope and change!!