Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Where Is Richard Widmark When We Really Need Him

Haven't we heard enough, and hasn't the world heard enough from this evil fuck? Jesus, his whole crazy world view has been totally repudiated (wrong on: WMD, greeted as liberators in Iraq, on the economy, on energy policy, gun safety, etc. etc.) but he still can't shut the fuck up. Why he isn't dragged by his heels to war crimes trials in the Hague is inexplicable. He destroyed our credibility in the world, and he is now completely distorting the Obama administration's policy with regard to terrorism and Al Qaeda.

What a waste of protoplasm.


Anonymous said...

oh yes, this is what you should be worried the link, please

i guess almost double the entire nations population is losing their job EVERY MONTH...u betcha!!

Anonymous said...

can we make stupidity a crime.....PLEASE!!


Anonymous said...

I didn't even read the post yet. I'm just outraged and need to vent. Dick Cheney needs to go away. And the new administration needs to tell him so. His fear mongering is for shit. Enough is enough. Go away, Dick! We're trying to live our lives and figure out what this mess truly is. The world is a big place, and this kind of crap is just over the top bullshit. GO AWAY! I'm venting. I realize that. This is nonsense. Michael Phelps took a bong hit. Big fucking shit. Dick Cheney wheeled his way out of the White House, and has yet to recognize that actually happened. Big fucking shit. Go away. Let the people decide. Get your stupid ass out of the way, and realize we are on the brink of a revolution if needs be. And yo! New administration, tell them. Get rid of these assholes; tell them to go away, or else suck your own balls. Aggh! I'm so freaking irritated. Just freaking irritated. Dick needs to do a Bush and go hang out at a B-ball game and realize the world is bigger than him. Asshole. And yet, there are those that will eat this crap up. Crapsuckers. Fuck. I refuse to let Dick ruin my life, even though it seems he will try. And for what? I just don't get it. I'll cease my rant now and will go read the posts. Fuck

Anonymous said...

Madness! Sheer madness! Whee!

Olaf said...

Okay, I'm pushing him down the stairs now.