Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Voted...for Obama

And yes, that is a Cohiba. Damn, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but a Cohiba is a celebration.


Anonymous said...

Remember, a long time ago, when I was trying to convince you he was a good candidate? I believe I even called the McCain - Obama rivalry like 4 years ago. I really thought McCain would play it better than he has... he made it easy for us.

Olaf said...

Oh, yes, I remember. And as McCain has astonished me with his hamfisted, tone-deaf campaign, so has Obama amazed me with his superbly managed one. I have great respect for his intellect, his coolness, and his skill in (let's not ease up) looking like he'll win the presidency by a landslide. Now he really gets the test--creating the grand vision and getting the people to help him overwhelm the "business-as-usual" Congress. Even with a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, a lot of those old dogs do not want this whippersnapper telling them what to do.

But at least we have a new beginning. Now let's see if the followthrough is as marvelous as the campaign.

Good call, MB!!! And he's your local guy, too. Good on Chicago!

Anonymous said...

Yay, mb!!! She's so smart!!!
