Monday, February 12, 2007


"The Only Band that Matters"

I've been listening a lot to these guys. I'd like to be in a tribute band to them, y'know? Even at my advanced age, I still like to crank it up and blow it out, and there is nothing like this when PLAYED LOUD!

So, dear friends, can you name the band? (It's right before your eyes, really.)


Anonymous said...

It's the Clash, dude. Everyone knows that.

Olaf said...

Perhaps you're right. But does everyone listen to them? I was just taken aback by how they still matter, that they're still relevant, almost prescient in their predictions of the world to come. Their message that the youth have to do it themselves, not to look for leaders or saviors, alas, apparently is not so well known as the band itself.

Anonymous said...

One more reminder: Look for the film "Rude Boy," in which The Clash appear. It is not a concert film, but features a lot of concert footage as a gratuitous part of the narrative.

Final reminder: "Rude Boy" would be fabulous in a double bill with Kenneth Anger's "Scorpio Rising." Not sure which would be the main course, which the dessert.