Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Olaf the Trendsetter

My god, I hope this isn't true, but it does point up that your pal Olaf knows where the next big cool is going to be. Brangelina may be moving to Berlin. As you know, Berlin is my favorite city on earth, and in my renewed lover affair with the place, I was especially pleased that it never seemed to show up on people's vacation or must-move-to list. My escape plans include several for the formerly divided city, particularly because it's relatively cheap to live there but mainly because I feel more at home there than almost any other urban setting, despite coming off as a rather stupid person when speaking my limited German. And stupidity, as Paul Westerberg sang, I call it freedom. There is something transcendentally liberating about being a foreigner.

But if this is indeed true, and Brad and Angelina are setting up house in Mitte, then once again I've loved and lost by failing to act on the attraction, much like all those lovely women whom I have loved but denied such knowledge to. Yes, I'm just a giant breaking heart, and now my beloved Berlin may be compromised by the attentions of these pretenders with the dough to buy giant flats in the heart of my city..

But I know something they don't--one Berlin winter and they'll be quits. Only the most depressed survive those, and I made it through four of them standing on my head. These days, I could survive a nuclear winter.

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