Thursday, February 15, 2007

Definition of Idiocy

I have nothing to add to this Q & A at today's White House daily briefing with Tony Snowjob.
Q But this estimate was monumentally wrong. So would the President, knowing what he knows today, still have decided to go into Iraq?

MR. SNOW: Yes. The President believes that we did the right thing in going into Iraq.

Q Is the President being equally unrealistic about his current assessments of Iraq and Afghanistan?


You can read the rest here. Delusions, madness, disaster. And still the Dems fear to act to stop this idiot and his criminal gang. I want to puke on the whole sorry lot of bastards in Washington.


Anonymous said...

Well, Olaf, war is "a big complex thing."

Olaf said...

Oh, right. I didn't know that. I'm glad Tony has shone the pure light of reason on things.

Does his boss know that?

Anonymous said...

Tony Snowjob!!!! You slay me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Big O,
Check out Jane Smiley's essay about the idiocy of the Bush/Cheney cabal. She also has harsh words for capitalism. I was very excited to see it in the Sun Times this morning.

Olaf said...

MB, thanks for the tip. Ms. Smiley really hits the nail on the head with, "The 'free market' is actually just colonialism by another name."

I hate the way the word "free" has been debased. "Free enterprise," "free markets," "They hate us for our freedom," "free choice," "land of the free," ad nauseum. Considering that choices are usually finite or extremely limited and usually set by a dominant group, freedom in the sense that most people experience is hardly freer than a multiple choice test, or worse, a true-false test where the question is bogus. "Free market" leaves absolutely no value to a public sector and expects nothing from social goodwill, believing the myth that mass individualistic selfish pursuit for personal gain will somehow benefit the whole.

Sounds insane on its face to me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I also liked, "In the free market, there is always a sucker," and "White men are nothing special." Sigh... She's so cool.

Ninja Chef said...

I want to use this article in my comp class. I wonder how that would go over. The students had to write an essay on William James The Moral Equivalent of War. As per usual, in freshman comp classes, the papers made a lot of sweeping generalizations and parrot-like assumptions about war and Iraq. What Smiley does is maintain a clear bias, while at the same time offering a way of arguing about war that works well from that bias. So I'm curious. I think I'll give it a go. Pittsburgh is a fairly liberal place after all, so I don't think I'll get some of raging privileged Bush-loving Christian backlash some of us, no names mentioned, have experienced. Any thoughts on this? Am I nuts to try? Ah fuck it. I'll see what happens. If your comp class can't be your laboratory from time to time, what's the fun of that?

Olaf said...

DDG--go for it. Our fave prof, the late, great Dr. B. Short, told one of our classes, "As a graduate student, I shamelessly used my freshman comp classes for sociological experimentation."

And sometimes, they can really, really surprise you in a good way.

Anonymous said...

I'm teaching two Foucault essays this semester. It's awesome! I'll have to read this essay.

Anonymous said...

I could see this essay going over very well in a comp class. Let us know how it goes, D.

Ninja Chef said...

Gave 'em the article today. We'll see how it goes. More later...