Monday, January 08, 2007

You All Know Some Guy Like Him

Bush's pathology is nothing complicated.

He's simply the dumb guy who truly believes he is smarter than everybody else.

Why else would he insist on forcing through his "New Way Forward" in Iraq against the will of Congress, many of his own military commanders, and even members of his own party? Of course, behind Bush, we have to remind ourselves, is Karl Rove. He hasn't gone anywhere, except underground, but you can be sure he's cheerleading Chimpie into thinking that he's just so much more of a visionary than anyone can give him credit for (excepting a few diehard bootlickers), that he can interpret all opposition as coming from people too unenlightened to realize his uncanny genius.

Except that his genius lies in his ability to fuck up not just anything, but everything. Because, in the back of that withered seed of his brain, Chimpie is enough of a sociopath to want to take the whole country down with him if it won't recognize his genius. He's now in the extreme end of the Bunker Mentality, and thus he is now at his most dangerous. This final stage will be marked by a Bush accusation that the nation is too weak-willed to join him on the route to paradise, and so he will have to make them pay for their betrayal.

As a sociopath, he cannot admit error, cannot admit failure, cannot assume any point of view other than his own. He's the guy in the company who's out of step and, like Lou Costello in Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion, claims it's the other 199 guys who are out of step with him. The trouble is that this time it's not funny.

I could be wrong, of course. Bush could just be a guy so dumb that no one can explain to him how dumb he is.

Especially those 59 million suckers who voted for him again in 2004. Yeah, now who is dumb?

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