Thursday, January 11, 2007

Not to Belabor the Point, But More Clear Evidence of Sociopathy

Now maybe Chimpie is not a sociopath, but actually a psychopath. I dunno--Wikipedia explained it to me thus:
The difference between sociopathy and psychopathy, according to Hare, may "reflect the users views on the origins and determinates of the disorder."Most sociologists, criminologists, and even some psychologists believe the disorder is caused by social conflicts, and thus prefer the term 'sociopath.' Those who believe as Hare does, that a combination of psychological, biological and genetic factors all contribute to the disorder are more likely to use the term 'psychopath'.
In either case, here is Bush's expression of responsibility.
"Where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me," Bush said.
Note the passive construction in "mistakes have been made," and the corresponding avoidance of active responsibility in that it "rests with me." He simply is incapable, essentially physically and mentally incapable, of saying "I have failed." If he did, it would result in something I would love to see just once in my life: exploding head syndrome. I watch people yakking into their cell phones hoping that sooner or later one will detonate, but chances were better when the first Iridium satellite phones came out. That antenna looks like a stick of dynamite. Considering the power requirements for sending a signal skyward, direct to a satellite, eventually I'd expect a few splatter events.

But I digress. Mark Crispin Miller opined in his 2002 book that Bush's malapropisms and seeming paralysis with the English language was actually a manifestation of his sociopathic inability to admit error or blame. But because his name is Bush and not Rotkohl, rather than intervention and counseling, or at least detainment, he gets to express his sociopathy through the instrument of the presidency, and the blood and treasure he wastes on his illness is always someone else's, just like the blame.

War is not a therapeutic remedy. The only question seems to be, is Bush's behavior criminal or insane?


Anonymous said...

The pictures are an amusing change. I, too, am waiting to see exploding heads, both from Chimpie and cell phone users.

Olaf said...

Hi MB! It's snowing like a mother down here today, perfect for a cozy long weekend spent reading. I'm revisiting "Meeting at Telgte" by Gunter Grass and the new Harpers, Atlantic, and Vintage Guitar arrived just in time.

Anonymous said...

The Disorder is actually called Antisocial Personality Disorder. It is most evident in folks who flaut authority, feel no compassion for others, and are deceitful, impulsive, aggressive, and don't conform to social norms or expectations. So, on one hand, he could have a real psychological disorder, on the other...most folks like this spend life in prison because of violent crimes.