Monday, January 08, 2007

New! Olaf Goes Visual!

I stumbled upon some pictures from a trip to Prague two summers ago, and that made me think of my digital camera, which I ought to carry more often to document items and people of interest that might support, detract, or render irrelevant the text that I erratically bonk out here at Olaf World HQ. Actually, I do occasionally stumble on some worthwhile images and why not share them with Olaf's massive readership (I'm hopeful, I'm hopeful)? Given the unimaginably high standard of literary intelligence that you all have exhibited, why not cleanse the intellectual palette with a few snaps now and then?

So here is a Czech take on our illustrious El Presidente for your delectation and dissection. Funny how much I've come to love good graffiti, in spite of all the lame shit that litters the urban, suburban, and (worst) rural landscape.

More to come.

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