Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's Like, Wow Man

I was on my third Pilsner Urquell in thirty minutes at about 8:00PM last night, but I switched to coffee because I needed to be lucid if what I was seeing was to be believed.

And the rest is history.

Then this morning (or whenever the hell it is now), I flipped on the radio, and Chimpie was addressing the press. Well, fuck me like a methed-up preacher man, Donald Rumsfeld is gone! Hell, I think that the Germans have already typed up indictments of him as a war criminal. Can the rest of the Bush cabal be far behind?

Anyway, what really struck me was the punishing, embarrassing, humiliating gap by which some Senate incumbents got punched. Ricky "Man-on-Dog" Santorum lost by a monstrous eighteen points, and Mike DeWine of Ohio got slapped by twelve points. Given the role Ohio played in the 2004 election, such a turn is enormous, particularly when the secretary of state for Ohio, who controlled that election, got beaten in his gubernatorial bid by twenty-three points! I mean, they punished those mofos, boy!

Of course, this is only the beginning. We still have a long way to go before Cheney, Bush, and the rest are in shackles in the court at the Hague, but this is a very, very good start. When the congressional committees open a few innocent-seeming oversight investigations, I think the whole rotten mess that is this corrupt and incompetent administration is going to explode in a stinking mess that will make the 2008 election a complete and total repudiation of the radical evangelical right, the neocon warmongers, the corporate buttboys, and the bigots.

Am I hoping for revolution? You bet your sweet ass I am. (Yes, I am a turtle--comment if you get the reference.)

Okay, I gotta go digest some more. I'm too exuberant to really think just yet.


Anonymous said...

Fuckin A. FUCKIN A DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is like Christmas, no better than Christmas!!! I'm literally sexually aroused right now I'm so happy!!! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!! VIVA REVOLUTION!!!

Olaf said...

Oh man! Don't get me THAT excited. However, as the song in Marat/Sade goes: "What's the use of a revolution without general, general copulation copulation copulation?"

Here's a great line from Olaf's better half to her boss yesterday: "If I'm not in tomorrow it's because I'm rioting in the streets."

Sex and revolution--the ultimate drug combination.

Anonymous said...

Don't tell me that watching that footage of Bush squirming in his seat at that press conference didn't give you a bit of a sadistic thrill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers to Olaf's better half!!! I think I might go riot anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Happy Day! And here's to the tolerant hillbillies in AZ who didn't outlaw gay marriage.