Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cross Your Fingers, Pray to Your God, Party Like It's the Free World After All

I'm off to my neighbor's to watch the returns and drink myself into insensibility. Well, not immediately. First I'm going to cook up four pounds of Molly Katzen's Szechuan Green Beans (sesame oil, tons of garlic, cayenne, slivered almonds (my touch), kosher salt). Serve hot, cold, or at room temperature. Yummmmmmmmmy!

Then we are going to hope for a reason to drink into insensibility because we're celebrating the destruction of the Repuglickkkan Party. As of this blog entry, I hear from CNN and MSNBC that "corruption" is voters' apparent primary concern. And how do we spell "corruption" class?


A final thought: Rev. Ted Haggard, Mark Foley, Ricky Santorum, Karl Rove, George W. Bush, two ounces of meth, 1000 mg. of Viagra, and a Motel 6 room with a queen sized bed with Magic Fingers.

Now there's a party for Rush Limbaugh.


Anonymous said...

God bless it, and I'll be jiggered. FUcking White House under siege. Poor Georgy sat up in bed in his Pjs and said, "stoopit democracy." Jerked off looking away from Laura, then passed out hoping it was a dream. Go to hell King George, eat shit and die along the way you fucking asshole. If nothing else, for once, as the poll numbers show, this apathetic, lazy ass nation of ours got off its obese asses, put down its McDonalds and cheap swill, and told that asshole that we're not buying it anymore. Whether the Dems do a damn thing about this mess or not, at least we the people made something of a statement here. And I had the delight, the privelege, and the honor, here in Pennsylvania, to help send that paranoid, homophobic, crack licking nitwit Santorum packing. Hope your hangover's not too bad, Olaf.

Anonymous said...

Olaf...Is this really happening? I mean, this isn't one of those dreams where you wake up and it's like a normal day...and then you wake up again...?

Anonymous said...

I think it's really real, everyone! At least in the House of Reps. Let me here you now, a-one, a-two, a-three...