Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veterans Day

It wasn't until I went out to get the mail that I remembered that today is the proper Veterans Day, rather than the holiday day, or the furniture sale day, or the day to earn political points on the backs of young (and not so young) men and women who serve as the apolitical armed force of the United States. I went to the oak filing cabinet to see if I could find my honorable discharge certificate and my DD214. Among those papers were some photographs of a man thirty-five years younger, with jet black hair and not a wrinkle. On my expired military ID it had my weight as fifty pounds lighter than I am now--a skinny wretch back then or a fat fuck today? Hard to say, really, though I'm sure some of the commenters will weigh in with their opinions (the ones who know me, anyway). I'm probably healthier now than then. I smoked a pack a day or more then, drank like a young man can and ought to before he gets serious, and was more belligerent than a stupid stringbean ought to be.

It was not a particularly popular thing to be in the military then, but I still was proud of being there. True, I was exceedingly lucky--Russian language training, crypto school, and Berlin, rather than advanced infantry training, survival school, and Vietnam--so I had it much, much easier than many others whose military experience was the kind of adventure that involves mutilation and death rather than simply strange lands and new ways of viewing the world. Across this nation there are men and women who are similarly going through their old boxes of memories, remembering comrades, or still outrunning nightmares. Their sacrifices were surely greater than mine, and I must remind myself daily to be grateful for the grace that their selflessness has accorded me in my life.

It is a time I also remember my grandfather who served the Army in WWI, my father who served during Korea, my uncles and aunts who fought in Europe and the Pacific in WWII, and how as a child I thrilled to look at their photo albums of them when they were young, and dark-haired, and skinny, and immortal.

There are many, many things worth fighting for--I am no pacifist--and when we choose our battles wisely and reluctantly, we can honor the memory of all those who have passed before. Please remember this day that those who wear the uniform do so because it is essential, and that even in the face or irresponsible leadership, they honor us all with their dedication and sacrifice.

Happy Veterans Day.


Anonymous said...

Nicely said, Olaf. I miss you...

Olaf said...

I miss you to. Why did you have to all move away? I can be philosophical about it--everything is transient--but it doesn't make missing you all any easier.

Anonymous said...

Hey now--we didn't ALL move away! I miss you and we're in the same town. It was good to run into you the other day, though. Maybe when we both stop being hermits we can hang out...

Anonymous said...

I would have thought you'd spell it "Sh'babadoo." I said it before and I'll say it again. If Olaf were on myspace, we could have a theoretical avengers reunion page. Plus, Olaf would gain a lot of popularity. You might even be able to market a book, Olaf.

I had lunch with CB yesterday, and we were saying that we wish you hermits would come out here for a fun visit. Don't come now, though. It's really REALLY cold.

Olaf said...

Okay, okay, okay. I'll get up a Myspace page, even if it does serve up the demon Rupert Murdoch. And if I can get my medications adjusted correctly and err just this side of becoming a homicidal maniac, I may be able to come out of my cave and actually make social contact. But as CB has probably told you, I've cracked. Writing this blog is the last thread connecting me to the civilized world.

Sh-baba-deaux, you looked phenomenal--what a lovely surprise! Sorry I've been such a groundhog--long story--but it's very safe down here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, CB said you're two prawns short of a salad, but that's okay. We will love you no matter how crazy the world makes you.

RE: Ruppert M, if you use myspace for subversive purposes, you're thwarting him, not supporting him.

Mwaaa ha ha.