Tuesday, June 20, 2006

And as to This Other Piece of Human Excrement...

Oh Jesus. Read Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo today. Good God.

Your president. Your president. Your president.


Anonymous said...

You know, I work in higher education, and one thing I've been seeing is a tendency for the feds to cut and cut and cut. I also often hear about how "liberal" academe is; seems natural, since bigoted arguments are just kind of hard to make. And I wonder if the cuts to Academe are a direct result of this so-called conservative climate? I wonder how long this is going to go on? At what point will there be a shift back to culture? How much does it take for the population of this country to realize that destroying environment and minds for the sake of a handful of corporate CEOs is just not worth it? Are we really this dense? I know so many people who are not. But there are still so many who think global warming is a myth, that all liberals want is for everyone to be gay so they can inject themselves with stem cell babies in order to have them aborted. Take Ann Coulter for example. She is a very sad individual. She rattles my chains a bit, but she has so much bitterness in her, it's hard to get upset for long. What has caused her to have so much grief? And why is there such a big audience for it? Things like Bush asking Tenet to save face for him aren't even a surprise. They should be. On and on it goes. Whose country is this? Does there need to be some sort of split in the land mass? Somehow I don't feel welcome here. Not sure that I ever did, no matter how much I wish I did. This is a very strange place. Alice in the rabbit hole. There are so many gifts and so many people full of grace, and I can't help being a patriot, of course not in the sense that I will kick a starving immigrant in the gut to keep myself from being a felon. But still, it feels more and more like a dream, a bad acid trip, some sort of inverse quantum electron head-spinning. Where am I? Who are these people, and why are they so mean?

Olaf said...

Yeah, I'm with you. How can people say and do such mean-spirited, cruel, awful things that really fuck up people's lives and then lie about it and still face themselves? Or do they successfully rationalize it? Does Ann Coulter really believe, in her heart, the bile she spews? Or is she simply a very good marketer who recognizes a profitable zeitgeist and exploits the hell out of it? Does Chimpie genuinely believe the words they put in his mouth, or is he cleverer by half, recognizing that he's simply playing to the rubes on behalf of the rich and powerful who find in him a perfect mask for their exploitation and greed?

Whatever the answer, if it isn't stopped, we're done for as any semblance of a republic. Well, actually, I think we're done for, and if not, God, Muhammed, Buddha, Zoroaster and a thousand other gods help whoever has to clean up this rancid mess.