Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Liar, Scum, Enemy of Democracy?

What else can you call Dick Cheney? I am so apoplectic I can't see straight to type, so give me your favorite names for this disgusting piece of dung wrapped in phlegm surrounding by a thick coating of hairballs. "I don't think anybody anticipated the level of violence that we've encountered," this said. What? Has he been in fucking sedation since 2002?

Or is he a liar, scum, and/or enemy of democracy? Hard to say, but I imagine you all have some opinions on the matter.


Anonymous said...

He's a tricky fucker to figure out. On the one hand he seems sinister and calculated, on another, and maybe it is just my inherent inability to slow my glowing optimism for the beauty of the human race, but it seems impossible that anyone at that level of authority over the known world could be that vile and insipid. But there it is. I have to chalk it up. He's either really realy dumb, or else he is truly a bad man. A kid on a playground could have told them what would happen if they pounce on the other guy's marble game. Sure, maybe they have a lot more marbles, a lot more "cool kids" around them, a bigger clique. Maybe they've got 6 of those great big steelies in their pouch. But if they take over the marble circle, they'll just make enemies. There will be fighting and name calling, things will get broken, friendships will be irreparably diminished. The big problem here, I suppose, if this absurd analogy holds true at all, is that there is no pincipal, no good-natured substitute teacher to step in when things get out of hand, no crossing guard. This isn't about winning or losing, it's about promises and territory, dumbfucks and tyrants, or the other way around--however you want to spin it. This is it, baby. Do or die. Play the big chips. You've got the circle. No one can take it from you. All we, the other kids, can do is stand around and be mystified by the "coolness" of your cult. About the worst thing I can say about Dick Cheney, the worst name I can give him is "Dick Cheney."

Olaf said...

It's a shame, isn't it, that grown-ups have to act like little kids on a playground to feel validated? Cheney has spent his entire adult life in the pursuit of power, which is what the weak and stupid lust for because their powers of reflection and their search for wisdom was thwarted somewhere in early life. If only so many thousands hadn't had to suffer so dearly for his maladjusted existence.

It makes me wish there really was a hell.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you've probably already viewed this, but for your devoted fans I highly recommend taking a look at this Frontline documentary on the axis of evil that is Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, et. al.

It's a fascinating look into the "secret war" between the Pentagon and the CIA--and how such battles may have led to the catastrophic negligence of high-ranking officials in terms of their "intelligence." It timelines Cheney's role in the scandal, revealing how he created his own center for intelligence from within the Pentagon--loyal cronies who would concoct and deliver any shread of information any slimeball, deceitful figure could ask for. Well, I won't give away the ending, but I can't say it's a happy one...