Tuesday, June 27, 2006

On the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July used to be my favorite holiday--completely secular, celebratory, firecrackers, picnics, parades, and sack races. But now that's it's really nothing more than a jingoistic jerk-off festival for chickenshit chickenhawks, wannabe fascists, and soccer moms who think SUVs are their divine right by God, I think maybe I'll do something different.

Given the great threat to our way of life that the US Senate is now bravely confronting, I'm going to do something that only a true patriot would do.

I'm going to burn the flag, right after I flush a Bible down the toilet. Join me, won't you, in asserting the First Amendment before these assholes flush it down the toilet with their idiotic amendment.

Trust me--it will make you feel a whole lot better.


Anonymous said...

why is it called an ammendment? wasn't it good enough to be a law?

Olaf said...

A constitutional amendment becomes the basis against which legislation is judged by the Supreme Court, having risen to the level of the Constitution itself. Therefore, as an amendment, it doesn't conflict with the First Amendment.

In any case, it's an idiotic idea. How flag-burning threatens us is a complete fantasy used to inflame idiots who mistake the symbol for the thing it represents. Let's protect the Constitution from being burned by these fascist thugs.