Monday, December 19, 2005

Chimpie: No Irony Gene?

If you're a Seinfeld fan, then you'll remember the episode where the four characters split up in the subway--Jerry to head to Coney Island, Kramer to pay some fines, George to interview for a job, and Elaine off to a lesbian wedding. At one point, Elaine says to a woman, "That's ironic." The woman says, "What do you mean?" Elaine begins to explain why what she has said is ironic. The woman stops here. "No," she says, "what does 'ironic' mean?"

Don't you imagine a similar conversation with Chimpie Bush if you tried to explain the following as ironic:
After initially refusing to discuss whether he had authorized domestic spying without court approval, President Bush decided to come clean. He acknowledged over the weekend that such spying had taken place, much as it was described in Friday's New York Times. He argued that it was vital to thwart an enemy that knows no boundaries.
And which enemy would that be? Well, the greatest threat to my constitutionally protected personal liberties seems to be a presidential imposter who considers himself completely above the law, who personally, repeatedly, ordered the National Security Agency to spy on citizens, which they could legally do by simply getting a secret court to authorize them. This court, created by the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which almost never refuses such requests (in fact, it has approved over 15,000 of them!), and was instituted to give some oversight to such extraordinary measures, which is all fair and good. But even that little bit of bother is too much for the Chimperor who must at all costs maintain his fantasy of monarchic power, missing the days when he could regularly sign death warrants and rule like Caligula, which may be fine in Texas, but ought not to be considered anything but criminal behavior on the national level.

"An enemy that knows no boundaries." Was he pointing a finger at his temple and winking when he said that?


Neil Shakespeare said...

Well, you know, when you're at "War" you don't have "time" for the niceties, even though goin' on 4 1/2 years now this 'War on Terror' is already longer than WWII and he mighta found some time in there somewhere. And how can the irony of his statement "Democracies do not make Wars" be lost on him? Astounding, isn't it?

Olaf said...

Chimpie really ought to be studied by neurologists, behavioral and forensic psychologists, and a panel of psychiatrists--he's quite a specimen.

Anonymous said...

I'd settle for an autopsy--soon!