Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Chimpie Clobbered by Conservative George Will

This is a first for me, I think, but I absolutely must quote George Will in today's Washington Post:
The president's authorization of domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency contravened a statute's clear language. Assuming that urgent facts convinced him that he should proceed anyway and on his own, what argument convinced him that he lawfully could?
I think the answser to this is that he, or his controllers, were convinced that he could get away with it. "Urgent facts" or "facts" in general are not anything that this administration feels are relevant to any action they take. Given the timidity of the mainstream media to call him on his blatant lies in his news conference yesterday, I can understand why the Chimpie criminal gang continues to believe that they can violate the law of the land, jeopardize our liberties, and do so with impunity and no fear of prosecution.

Welcome to the North American Banana Republic of the United States. All that is lacking is a flashy uniform with giant epaulets and a gold-braided high-peaked cap for El Presidente.


Anonymous said...

...flashy uniform with giant epaulets and a gold-braided high-peaked cap...
oh, we have that already - the augmented flight suit and the jackets (etc) with the prez seal.
Kathryn in MA

Anonymous said...

Whenever he orders pants, and I ask, reflexively, "Dress left or right, sir?" he always says, "Both, and middle, too! You know, I got a Presidential Package!" It's our special joke, and, job security aside, it makes me long for January 2009.

Olaf said...

I think you can buy a presidential codpiece like the one he wore on the deck of the carrier USS Abraham Lincoln complete with official logo. Very eye-catching, especially when worn alone.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Olaf! Good to see you back. Hope that rage gets a chance to simmer down, and not because the spirit dies, but because things take a better turn. A loyal fan...