Thursday, September 01, 2005

When Fantasy Kills

It's well understood that the regime of Chimpie believes that larding on words like cream cheese frosting on a shitpile will fool most of the dunces who blindly follow them, but there's a point where the hard reality simply will not be covered words that deny it. The Sun-Herald of Biloxi, Mississippi, a town crushed by Kartrina, ran an editorial today. You can read the whole thing at Editor and Publisher. It's heartbreaking, and when you think of Chimpie chirping yesterday how things are moving ahead, it's infuriating. An excerpt:
We are not calling on the nation and the state to make life more comfortable in South Mississippi, we are calling on the nation and the state to make life here possible.

We would bolster our argument with the number of Katrina casualties confirmed thus far, but if there is such a confirmed number, no one is releasing it to the public. This lack of faith in the publics' ability to handle the truth is not sparing anyone's feelings, it is instead fueling terrifying rumors.

While the flow of information is frustratingly difficult, our reporters have yet to find evidence of a coordinated approach to relieve pain and hunger or to secure property and maintain order.

People are hurting and people are being vandalized.

Yet where is the National Guard, why hasn't every able-bodied member of the armed forces in South Mississippi been pressed into service?

On Wednesday reporters listening to horrific stories of death and survival at the Biloxi Junior High School shelter looked north across Irish Hill Road and saw Air Force personnel playing basketball and performing calisthenics.

Playing basketball and performing calisthenics!

When asked why these young men were not being used to help in the recovery effort, our reporters were told that it would be pointless to send military personnel down to the beach to pick up debris.

Litter is the least of our problems. We need the president to back up his declaration of a disaster with a declaration of every man and woman under his command will do whatever is necessary to deal with that disaster.
Given the astounding incompetence of this administration and it's failure to grapple with any unpleasant news that may splash on their political schemes, there seems to be little left but prayer for the poor people of Biloxi, Waveland, New Orleans, and the other afflicted communities.

Please give what you can to the Red Cross or other relief agencies, and also ask the question, why has this happened? This was not a disaster that came out of nowhere, like an earthquake or a meteor. Katrina was tracked for days, and yet we may be looking at thousands and thousands of deaths that were preventable. Why has this happened, and why is it getting worse each day that passes?


Neil Shakespeare said...

Did you see Bush playing "I know the oil business!" on TV? Explaining to us poor dumb assholes how the system works. Oh, he was eager to play like he was ever so knowledgable about refineries and pipelines and shit. And then he listed all sorts of numbers about how much help was on the way. STILL on the way? Jesus, where the hell is it?!!

Anonymous said...

cf. "My Pet Goat: The Sequel" --ed.

Olaf said...

When Chimpie goes to see the devastation, they ought to drop him right into the Superdome so he can get "up close and personal" with the suffering he claims to understand.