Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Okay, I Lied--Some Hurricane Stuff...

...but not without a Chimpie angle, of course. First of all, seeing helicopter footage of the flooding and devastation is pretty sobering. The scale of the destruction is beyond containment through conventional media reporting, to be sure, and the complete lack of eloquence by our mainstream pretty boys and girls manages to trivialize the disaster in a way that is only exceeded by Chimpie's complete cluelessness as to the disaster he's facing.

What the fuck happened? Couldn't they get Bush out of sedation quickly enough? He's off pretending to play the guitar and parroting his lines about Japan's surrender sixty years ago, while questions are being raised as to whether or not New Orleans will ever resurrect itself. I got a taste of what the Chimpie response may be when the Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, when asked what people could do to calm the situation, said that we should all pray. Yeah, that's going to fish the survivors out, stop the looting, and repair the damage. And she's a Democrat. Good God!

Are there any fucking pragmatists out there in office?

I can hear it now: Chimpie trying his best not to smirk or giggle while he says he's praying hard for all those "good people" down there along the Gulf Coast. "Good people," of course, is Bush-speak for "poor fuckers I couldn't care less about." And maybe that's why the handlers are keeping Chimpie off the subject of the hurricane, because he may just lose it and start guffawing like a crazed baboon at all that suffering. Remember how long it took them to get his medication adjusted so he could address the tsunami last year. And no how, no way could they get him doped to the point that he could face Cindy Sheehan.

Let me ask you: if you were sitting on the peak of the roof of your house down in the Mississippi delta, waiting to be choppered out to ground high enough to keep you dry for the night, would you want Bushco running back to Washington to direct the rescue effort? As far as I can tell, he may be the only person on the planet who could actually make this situation far, far worse. If that's even possible, you know you could count on him to fuck it up even beyond your wildest dreams.

Quite a challenge, but I know Chimpie will try.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness we have plenty of national guard troops to take on the disaster relief effort. We do..., don't we?

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is giving Karl Rove too much credit, but could he have redirected Katrina so as to give B*sh an excuse to get back to "work" in Washington, and get away from that terrorist middle-aged woman? Just asking.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Spot on as always, Olaf.