Friday, September 02, 2005

Finally, the Associated Press Senses Untruth

Good God, it's about fucking time that a major news organization spelled out what we have been saying for years: this is an administration that operates on lies, repeating them endlessly with complete disregard for reality. Here's the money shot:
As New Orleans descended into anarchy, top Bush administration officials congratulated each other for jobs well done and spoke of water, food and troops pouring into the ravaged city. Television pictures told a different story.

"What it reminded me of the other day is 'Baghdad Bob' saying there are no Americans at the airport," said Rich Galen, a Republican consultant in Washington. He was referring to Saddam Hussein's reality-challenged minister of information who denied the existence of U.S. troops in the Iraqi capital.
Got that? A Republican consultant is comparing Chimpie and company to a guy we laughed at during the Iraq invasion, another one of those conscienceless shills who speak the party line up until it bends him over his desk and fucks him in the ass with the bitter truth.

Except there's absolutely nothing to laugh at here, as potentially thousands of lives are put at risk by this back-slapping circle-jerk celebrating imagined success because Chimpie finally was taken off sedation long enough to be told that there was a little problem along the Gulf Coast. You want that beady-eyed motherfucker to come face-to-face with reality? Drop his ass in the fecal soup that surrounds the Superdome, without Secret Service, without his hidden transmitter, just his manly-manliness (notice the way he holds his arms out on TV? He must watch a lot of wrestling) face-to-face with a man caring for five kids or a young mother whose newborn had to be spirited out of intensive care for who-knows-where. When I saw that fucking excuse for a "leader" back in a suit this afternoon, squeezing Homeland Security director Cherthof's dick, I completely lost it.

When, oh when will justice be served?


Neil Shakespeare said...

Yeah, that was a nice little back-slappin' circle jerk they had there in the hangar! Baghdad Bush! "There are no Americans at the airport!" Just assholes.

Chuck said...

Very well said!

Will that endorphin lacking, untouchable turd waltz away from this one too? It's always one memory erasing distraction after another for the Lord duh-bya and his (MIS)administration.

Downing Street memos?
Sibel Edmonds?

and on and on...

Olaf said...

God damn, but it's discouraging. Are that many Americans either so apathetic or downright stupid? What will it take to wake them to the corruption and incompetence of these gangsters? Is everyone sedated out there?

Anonymous said...

Have you forgotten? "Mit der Dummheit kaempfen die Goetter selbst vergeben." --Schiller

Olaf said...

True, true, but was Schiller writing about willful stupidity, like that exhibited by the people who force themselves to believe that Fox is "fair and balanced"? In that case, I would think that the Gods would simply smite those fuckers for their own good.