Friday, September 23, 2005

Praying for the Apolcalypse

Well, Chimpie, you really did it to us all this time. When you decided that even the Texas Air National Guard, shielding you from Vietnam, was too tough, you got Daddy's buddies to bail you out of that. When your oil company failed, your daddy's friends fixed that too. Your daddy's pals got you a cushy inside gig with the Texas Rangers, and when you traded Sammy Sosa, you were taken care of then as well, walking away with a nice payday. Your reward was to become governor of Texas where you learned the joys of executive power through the execution of 152 people, whose death warrants you reliably signed under the guidance of Alberto "Torture Boy" Gonzalez, whom you may nominate for O'Connor's seat on the Supreme Court. When the steaming pile you made of Texas was still below the national radar, you made your bid for the presidency, which your daddy's buddies again salvaged for you. Then came 9/11, which was preventable, then a stupid war on Iraq with no resolution in sight after three years, and now two natural disasters in less than a month which have revealed that as a leader you are worse than useless--you actually figure out how to make things much, much worse, failing to act when you should, and then leaping into action to cut more taxes or slash more programs for the poor or middle-class or arrange a whitewash of your own combination of inaction and action so you can hand out some more Medals of Freedom to the most incompetent of your appointees. We all wish you'd stay the hell away, perhaps with Dick in his bunker at the undisclosed location and wait for the signal to come back aboveground. We'll let you know, I promise.

You can take that guitar with you that you played during Katrina. I'd suggest that you learn to play "Nowhere Man."

No one is going to bail you out this time, you know, and your place in history is assured as the worst chief executive in the history of the nation, perhaps of any nation. So what's your hope? What's your salvation?

You're a born-again Christian. I think you are praying and hoping for the apocalypse. That's the only thing that is going to clean your slate. Of course, if any of your interpretation of the mythology of Christianity is incorrect, you may find yourself slid onto an iron spit and eternally roasted over the fires of the lake of hell while Satan urinates on you as a baste.

It must suck being you. I'm so happy that it is you being you. Suffer, motherfucker. Suffer. Burn, baby, burn.


Olaf said...

Fuck you, you god damned spammers!

Anonymous said...

C'mon, Olaf; don't hold back! Your legions of readers won't, on Olaf Feedback Day, Saturday 1 October 2005.
Note to fellow readers: Whether you are a member of MENSA, or (like this writer) DENSA, or somewhere in between, don't forget to post your comments on the above-referenced day. Let's swell Olaf's head, or if appropriate, shrink it. In any case, let's give him quality (reading) time. Make it happen. Back to you, Bob.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Maybe we should all pray for the apocalypse. It would at least get the nitwit out of office sooner.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a rant that I can get behind! One exception though...he's not a born again Christian. He may say he is, but he's not. It's a political tool that was very effective in getting him elected. Anyone who's read the New Testament knows that the loving, self-sacrificing nature of Jesus isn't growing in that man. And I agree--I'm glad I'm not him.