Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Chimpie Goin' Down

Bush sucks as a president, or as a human being, for that matter, but it's okay to suck as a human being if it's only your own life you're fucking up. And Chimpie did a pretty good job of that until he stopped drinking, which was good news for Laura and the twins and bad news for the rest of humanity. I've known some dry drunks, and they have one characteristic in common: restless energy. That's not a bad thing. Some throw themselves into their work, others into an Amway business (called Quixtar now, I think), others into coaching soccer for their kids. Our misfortune as inhabitants of this planet was that Chimpie's energy was thrown into the acquisition of power, and through the influence of his family and those indebted to them, he became a governer, where he learned the joy of signing death warrants, and, questionably, president of this country.

Now I'm not the sort who says, "I told you so," but all of those folks I know who wanted to be fair, who wanted to give Chimpie a chance, have now apparently come to the realization that a fanatically ignorant and doctrinaire dry drunk, desperately in need of a case of cheap whiskey and the time to finish it off, is bad for the country and the world. Here are the recent CNN poll numbers in that regard:

Bush's handling of Hurricane Katrina's effects: 41% approve, 57% disapprove.
Bush's handling of the Iraq war: 32% approve, 67% disapprove.
Bush's handling of the economy: 35% approve, 63% disapprove.
Bush's overall job approval rating: 40% approve, 58% disapprove.

But here are the figures that makes it more interesting:
51 % do not consider him strong and decisive.
50 % would not call him honest.
56 % say he doesn't care about people like them.

And yet he was "reelected" last November. Some 35% of those polled are apparently so desperate to believe in the Dear Leader concept of the presidency that they would still favor Bush even if he climbed onto the Capitol dome and started throwing feces at tourists while screaming, "I am the Chimperor! Respect me or die!" But all those moderates (another term for them is "wusses") may finally have realized that wishing and having are quite different things, and however much good they tried to see in Bush, he's completely void of it. That's right, the Chimp is pure evil. And when a villain like this has 50 percent of the people saying he is not honest and 58 percent disapproving of everything he has done or will do, then I could almost think that there's hope.

Sadly, for 1905 dead American servicemen and women, that hope is gone, as it is for countless Iraqis and victims of preventable disaster, like the breaching of the levees in New Orleans. If there is one thing that puzzles me about America, it's that we consider giving a single man in a leadership position the benefit of the doubt long after he has demonstrated that he doesn't deserve the saliva it would take to spit on him.

Chimpie goin' down, motherfuckers! Chimpie goin' down!


Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you are taking a new tack, of doing a psychological analysis of Mr. Bush. Methinks you are trying harder than you need to. Even the MSM admits Bush exists in a bubble. This defective hunk of protoplasm grew up as the son of the president, fer chrissake! Wouldn't that be the ultimate bubble? Man of the people, compassionate conservative? My ass! Not possible, with that background.

Now, who else in this lame country lives in bubbles? That's right, sports superstars! Think how much better off the world would be if Bush were playing pro ball or driving in NASCAR. Unlike the federal government, NASCAR and the NBA have the power to sanction out-of-control stars. Oops, I forgot; Bush doesn't have any discernable talent in sports, either.

Reminder 487: October first is Olaf Feedback Day. On that day, all of you regular, or even occasional, readers out there--you are out there, aren't you?--will post a comment to let Olaf know what his support base looks like. Remember, this is valuable blogspace. A Laff Kale-rot is waiting in the wings to take it over, if Olaf readers don't show their support, or at least their existence. Do this thing.

Olaf said...

Yes, I am probably making it too complicated. In fact, using words like "complicated" with regard to Chimpie is oxymoronic, but that's what drives his base of people who don't like nuance or complexity and just want Big Daddy to tell them what to think and how to live. Bush's unwavering certainty seems to outweigh his absolute and total incompetence as far as his diehard idiot supporters go.

As far as Olaf Feedback Day, I tremble at the prospect of having, um, no feedback. But to those of you who do post or read and don't post, thank you thank you thank you. I am humbled and in debt.

Anonymous said...

I love you, Olaf.