Friday, July 22, 2005

Reading for the Weekend

Daily Kos has a nice summary of the Rove/Plame case, and if you missed the Congressional hearing on leaked intelligence on C-SPAN today co-chaired by Rep. Henry Waxman of California and Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, here's a brief summary. Chimpie is earning the wrath he deserves from the intelligence service he has betrayed, and I've got to say, it's not wise to double-cross spies.

Or special prosecutors. Check out this piece in the Washington Post and another in the Los Angeles Times. Here's to another sleepless night for Karl and Scooter.

Here in the mountains of the southwest, the monsoons have at last arrived, complete with light and sound extravaganzas of lightning and thunder, which scares the shit out of my two dogs who follow my every step around the house. Makes me feel truly needed, you know?

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