Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Momentary Summer Vacation?

It feels like I should take one, even though it's been less than two months since Berlin and Prague. It's too hot to work, even here in the mountains where we're really spoiled by dry air and cool nights.

The Rove/Plame scandal continues to build, with the White House clearly panicking as Bush starts answering questions about it and even schedules a Supreme Court nomination tonight in prime time, perhaps because yet another shoe is about to drop. Oh, how I hope it involves Jeff Gannon/James Guckert, Ari Fleisher, two chickens, some Astralube, and an illegal prescription for Cialis. And Chimpie and Laura watching while Uncle Dick engages in some auto-erotic asphyxiation in the coat closet.

Ugh. I just creeped myself out.

Actually, the auto-erotic asphyxiation seems to be more Bush's thing--remember the pretzel incident? That was a coverup for what he was really doing. Doesn't that bastard look oxygen-starved to you? Yeah, too much choking the chicken while choking the Chimpie.

Yes, I'm well past the border of bad taste, but commenting on the news seems sort of pointless today. Bear with me.

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