Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hey! Look Over There!

That's about all it takes to distract the mainstream kneepad press to get them to let go of a story. Okay, so Chimpie nominates John Roberts to the Supreme Court. We already know that the Democrats will cave and pass him, quietly wishing that the Republicans will be nice to them now, sort of like pathetic beaten dogs. The press, meanwhile, has shifted its short but broad attention to Roberts such that it is possible to switch to all operating cable and broadcast news channels and see Bush and Roberts displayed on every single one of them. If a station switches focus, it's only to cover the missing white girl in Aruba, unless it's FOX, in which case they'll devote a whole hour to it.

But meanwhile, the Rove/Plame story is oozing like a swollen yellow suppurating sore, pus dripping out and revealing the rottenness of this administration to more and more Americans, illustrating that the decay and corruption run all the way through Torture Boy Gonzalez, Scooter Libby, Flabsack Rove and up to the alleged president, Chimpie McChimperson, criminal-in-chief.

Drip, drip, drip. Someone has rolled on this White House (Ari? Colin?), and the indictments are going to be stunning and brutally damaging. Chimpie may hold on to the last, hoping, as usual, that Daddy's friends will bail him out, but this time he's going to face his well-deserved fate all alone, because even a power-mad fanatic like Karl Rove will recognize when it's time to cover his own ass so he won't be having it traded to other inmates for cigarettes.

So let the press slaver over Roberts, ignoring the real story. In a few days, unless Roberts is revealed to be in the KKK or buried some kids in his basement, this Supreme Court gassing will expire because nothing much will really happen (if anything at all) until hearings begin next month or in September. Roberts is a desperate and temporary ploy by Bush to try to get the press to run away from the Rove story. But Patrick Fitzgerald isn't running away.

And that means that Rove is itching his scabs with even more nervousness. When the spark comes, the whole rotten gasbag that is this administration is going to explode.

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