Thursday, April 07, 2005

Martyr Complexes

The wacko wing of the Christian right has watched Mel Gibson's The Passion one too many times. They are now descending on D.C. to fight those "activist" judges:
"This is a response to a growing infringement by activist judges on people of faith and their right to acknowledge God," said [Rick] Scarborough, founder of Vision America, an organization that promotes Christian values in U.S. politics.
There's a "growing infringement" on their "right to acknowledge God"? Have we shut any churches down yet? Hell, are they even taxed? These idiots are desperate to be heroes, but there is really nothing to be heroic about. The First Amendment stands, they can worship and pray and handle snakes and speak in tongues until the Apocalypse and nobody really gives a shit. And that's what makes them nuts.

In a related development, my sources tell me that Tom "Giant Flying Cockroach" DeLay has been fitted for a loincloth and a rainforest mahogany cross, complete with gold-titanium alloy spikes for his upcoming crucifixion. He refuses to grow his hair or beard to be more Christlike, however. "I want to look pretty for the teevee," he said.

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