Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Bush and Rove Discilpline the Tribe

For Tom "Giant Flying Cockroach" DeLay, the ticking of the clock is feeling like a bash on the head with a large silver hammer. Americablog is the best place to start. I've been writing about this for too long by now, so I'll just offer this warning--if it looks too easy, it may be a Rove setup to gull attention away from something worse. Even if they do actually sacrifice the Bugman, it will be to mask something else. Rove is smart, and even if nothing was planned, he knows to use the cover of DeLay's destruction as a way to move some other issue under the radar.

Freedom through vigilance!

1 comment:

Olaf said...

Now that's interesting. Do you mean that they'll "cleanse" the cockroach from their ranks and then claim they've learned a valuable lesson, but still push the same fascist judges? That would fit one of their favorite patterns.