Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Hillbilly Heroin Homeboy and Fearless Leader Combined

I've been looking at this picture for a bit (yes, it's hideous, but I must endure such torment for research purposes) and it reminded me of a celebrity from my childhood. Then it hit me.

Lassie taking a shit.

Beyond that, this drug addict, college dropout, anal-cyst-get-outa-Vietnam, lard bucket, fascistic, thrice-divorced egomaniac is the de facto leader of the Republican Party of Family Values, although he claims otherwise. In other words, this is the best of their best in terms of ideas, presentation, and recognition. Prominent Repubs who speak out of turn quickly bend over and beg his forgiveness and accept his cigar, the fastest being RNC chairman Michael Steele, who offered his sweet cheeks 51 minutes after offending the Limbaughistas. Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal joined the daisy chain soon after, remarking of Steele's total capitulation, "I'm glad he apologized." After Jindal's response to Obama's speech last Tuesday was called even by conservative columnist David Brooks "insane" and "a disaster for the Republican party," Jindal was probably grateful that the Hillbilly Heroin Homeboy went on the warpath for him. "The people on our side are making a real mistake if they go after Bobby Jindal," Limbaugh said on his radio show.

However, let me congratulate the fat fuck on kicking his addiction, even though he still has to show up for piss tests to ensure he's clean. But as is the sad case for most addicts, one addiction is traded for another. In his case, one might suspect he traded Oxycontin for Twinkies deep fried in hog lard smothered in bacon grease and served on a slab of fatback covered in hot fudge. But it's legal.

Oh yeah--this is my 600th post. Now I know why that novel never gets anywhere.


Ninja Chef said...

That's fucking awesome, Olaf. It's late as hell, I'm about to close on a house (strange language, no?), and this just gave me a big fucking laugh. You hit the nail on the head. Oh, god, a cliche. Fuck it. It's late. I'm half drunk, and that just cracked me up. Take care, yo. And hey, if you really meant to write a novel, you'd do it. Does it matter that much? Then quit fucking around. You can blog AND write a novel. Quit making excuses!

Olaf said...

Okay, you're right DDG--I've got to either do it or shut the fuck up about it.

Hey, and welcome aboard to the world of home ownership! You're timing is exquisite, to say the least. You're probably about to move into a castle with a grand view from the parapets.

Glad you saw the post and thanks for the kind words. I remember about 20 years ago when Limbaugh was a fixture on small rural radio stations, and his rise really maps the fall of the Republican party. I'm waiting for the EIB armbands to go with the black outfits.

Take care, Brother.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Olaf! That was hilarious!! I'll never look at that photo the same way...

Oh, and btw I wonder if in my lifetime I'll ever see Tim Kaine apologize to, I don't know, Michael Moore or someone like that. That'll be the day.


Olaf said...

The Republicans circling the drain are probably a pretty good consolation for Michael Moore, I imagine. I'll have to visit his website and see his take on the Limbaugh gravitational suckdown of Kaine, Steele, and the rest of numbskulls.

Anonymous said...

Check out what Michael Moore posted on the Huff Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-moore/why-im-not-now-and-have-n_b_172410.html

A bit self-serving, but interesting, nonetheless.


Olaf said...

Thanks for the link, CB. Good piece by Mr. Moore. And we were out there too, before the war started. It's good to be on the left and damned right.

Anonymous said...

While I'm sorry that Lassie's memory is now linked in my mind with this gasbag, it's worth the gut laugh this post gave me. Thanks, Olaf!

Anonymous said...

Olaf, congrats on your 600th post! I'm glad you are out there, making the rest of us laugh our asses off. I hope you bring your humor and your lovely wife to Chicago very soon!


Ninja Chef said...

601? Been awhile.