Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Please Go Away...

...and take your rat-pelt collar with you.

With a son who's a high school dropout, and a 17-year-old daughter who's been knocked up by another high school dropout, you'd think that Sarah Palin would have considered Piper Palin's school attendance to supersede the governor's own political ambitions. But even now that the campaign is over, she's dragging little Piper onto television shows as her prop to show what a great mom she is.

Palin doesn't get it at all. Nobody cares about what she thinks, her state elected her to run business up there, and her remaining school-age children need to get educated enough to know what a US vice president does and that Africa is a continent, and, let's hope, that Jesus did not ride a dinosaur to the sermon on the mount, not to mention being able to put one god damned coherent sentence together.

Sarah, please, for the sake of those you've spawned, GO AWAY.


Anonymous said...

I know!!! And as for this "bias liberal media" she keeps talking about...whew!!! I mean, they sure are all up on her jock these days. It makes me sick!!!


Olaf said...

Too bad that breeding dropouts doesn't require a knowledge and acceptance of scientific principles. Then we'd be free of these crazy dopes.