Friday, February 22, 2008

With Friends Like These...Deadly Embrace #2

That's the expected Republican presidential nominee on the left, and on the right is another Repug who is likely going down the river to the Big House for a long, long time.

Naturally, McCain is not responsible for the actions of his campaign's co-chairs, but goddamn is it delicious that one of the major scumbags in Congress, Rick Renzi (R-AZ district 1) has been indicted on 35 counts in a 26-page indictment issued by federal prosecutors today, including charges of extortion, embezzlement, money laundering, and wire fraud. Given that Olaf and family have had to endure this weasel as our representative in Washington, and that we actively picketed and protested outside his campaign office for his racist and generally filthy tactics in getting elected, this is a welcome exposure to yet another example of "Republican values."

Renzi is an interesting pathological case: former collegiate football star with a bachelor's degree in fucking criminal justice, fer chrissakes, with twelve(!!!) children, who owns a company called "Patriot Insurance" from which he is now charged with embezzlement of nearly $400,000 dollars of clients' money in addition to the shit he allegedly pulled while in office. I mean, extortion? Not even Duke Cunningham (R, CA), now serving 12 years in the penitentiary for crooked dealings, went that far.

So that's why Johnny-boy is not looking so good in this photo. Not even nominated yet and it's already coming down around him.

As for Ricky, it's time to put away those tight jeans you favor so much. Don't want to attract too much attention in the cell bloc.


Anonymous said...

Wow! This news just made my day! Thanks Olaf! :-D

Olaf said...

Too bad the trial isn't up here. I'd quit my job just to watch this asshole go down.